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She Never Knew He Gambled

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Andy is a compulsive gambler.  His game of choice was poker, but he would gamble on anything he could.  And all he would do is lose money.  He barely if ever won.  Andy’s legitimate creditors – namely the bank – would often call his house, speaking with him or his wife, asking for him to get his bills current.   Andy wasn’t raised a gambler, but was introduced to gambling by his father-in-law, who later Andy and his wife would recognize also has a gambling addiction.  But Andy’s father-in-law took him to the horse track, where Andy made a big winning betting on a horse with the same name as the title of the book Andy happened to be reading.  Andy’s wife, Joan, through all of this, had to watch her husband’s downward spiral.  But at first, Joan thought Andy’s gambling was good for him, as it helped him become more social.  But as his gambling increased in frequency, and he began to hide money from her, she felt into a deep state herself.

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