Category - Family & Friends

From One Extreme To Another

Renee believes her son Adam was an addict from the first time he smoked pot in middle school; he almost immediately tried harder drugs culminating with “Special K.” That was an animal tranquilizer which leaves you in...

Unable To Break Off

Joya is a recovering alcoholic who found herself part of another group suffering from a dysfunction involving relationships with other people. While in the beginning of her recovery, she began dating another person in her AA...

Elaine Pozycki

Like so many moms across the country, Elaine’s son became addicted to opioid pain pills, after they were subscribed to him to treat a sports injury.  And, like many moms across the country, Elaine had no clue her son was...

All About Alcohol

John is part of a special group of folks in recovery who like to refer to themselves as “Double Winners.” The title acknowledges that no only are they addicts, but their addictions were affected by the addictions of...

Buzzing Emotional Mess

Andrew is another member of the “Double Winners” – people who achieved sobriety through both Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. He comes from a divorce family, and was shuffled between both parents who made their dislike for one...


Brandon’s daughter was never an addict, that is to say, she was never addicted to, or abused, alcohol or drugs.  But starting at very early age, his daughter was overly defiant and confrontational.  She would fight Brandon...

Super Soaker

Anne’s addict son made her life a complete hell.  His behavior was atrocious, both violent and belligerent.  One day when her son was fourteen years-old, Anne was forced to call police as her son was so overly agitated she...