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Danny Trejo

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Actor, Producer and Restaurateur Danny Trejo (@officialDannyT) loves “playing the bad guy in movies, because the bad guy always dies. That’s the real world. If someone asked me to play a bad guy that always gets away with it, I’d pass. That’s the very message I preach to youths who are in crisis and in trouble: the bad guy always loses and the good guy always wins. It’s the one thing movies and real life see eye-to-eye.”

Trejo has developed a prolific career in the entertainment industry. His road to success has been hard earned and is anything but typical. From imprisonment to helping young people battle drug addiction, acting to producing, Trejo’s name, face, and achievements are well recognized in Hollywood. Trejo grew up on the streets of Los Angeles. Despite spending the latter part of his youth and early adulthood incarcerated, he has risen to become a great actor and better person. Upon his release from Soledad Prison, Danny became involved in programs aimed at helping those who, like him, battled or are battling drug and alcohol addictions.

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